- Log in as a provider in the provider app to view the messaging visit.
- Click the "Messaging Visits" tab
- Select a messaging visit from the list.
- Click "Assign to Me" to assign the patient's visit to you.
You can only respond to visits that you are assigned to. You can view any message even if you are not assigned.
- Click "Reply" to respond to the patient
- Click the "Type message here…" field to enter a message.
- To send a message, use the enter key on a keyboard or click the send icon.
- Optionally, you can upload a photo or document to send to the patient by clicking the paperclip icon in the bottom of the messaging room.
- When you are ready to close the visit, dropdown arrow under the "status" field and change the status to "Closed"
- Optionally, you can close the visit by clicking "Show Details" in the right panel.
- Click "Yes, Close Visit"
- The visit is now closed